

About the service

Rejuvenation involves Intenseness pulsed light (IPL) Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and chemical peel.

IPL improves the appearance of sun damaged skin, age-spots, broken capillaries, rosacea, enlarged pores and fine lines. It is a device which works like a laser, using the synergy of light waves frequency. Rays pulsate onto your skin.

PDT is a treatment that both medical and cosmetic patients are enjoying today. It is a therapy for sun damage, actinic keratosis, acne, textural improvement, pore minimization, reduction of brown and red pigmentations. Photodynamic therapy is a two step treatment procedure.

1. Application of the Levulan Kerastick Topical Solution.

2., Light treatment. Up to 90 % of patients are satisfied with the result of PDT.

Chemical peel consists of painting the skin with an exfoliating irritant solution (e.g.: trichloracetic acid, glycolic acid). It can be used for most age groups, skin types and not just the face but also other areas of the body.

You and Botox

The treatments are not painful but there might be a small discomfort. There is no downtime with IPL but there is with PDT and chemical peeling. You will see a gradual improvement after each treatment and a spectacular improvement at the end of the treatment.